Nuuk improves efficiency, antecipates accidents, and manages your cold chain data.
Nuuk raises the standard of biological sample logistics and ensures transparency of the process to those involved.

Nuuk improves efficiency, antecipates accidents, and manages your cold chain data.
Nuuk raises the standard of biological sample logistics and ensures transparency of the process to those involved.

Empty weight of less than 2.9 kg

Optical sensors

Capacity for up to 300 samples

Empty weight of less than 2.9 kg

Optical sensors

Capacity for up to 300 samples
What can a Nuuk do?
Alert system
Temperature out of range,
opening attempts and impact detection.

Temperature control
Control and monitor the temperature at which the content is loaded and transported.
Temperature maintenance
Excellent isothermal capacity for prolonged temperature maintenance.

Access control
Identification and assignment of users to control who and when accesses the content.
Passive cold
Cooling technology is adaptable to different temperature ranges.

Real-time tracking GPS
Position triangulation via GPS to have the geographical locations of the routes.
Alert system
Temperature out of range,
opening attempts and impact detection.

Access control
Identification and assignment of users to control who and when accesses the content.
Temperature control
Control and monitor the temperature at which the content is loaded and transported.

Passive cold
Cooling technology is adaptable to different temperature ranges.
Temperature maintenance
Excellent isothermal capacity for prolonged temperature maintenance.

Real-time tracking GPS
Position triangulation via GPS to have the geographical locations of the routes.